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11/15/2007 - Area 3-Central Community Meeting in Fontana on November 20

Fontana, California, November 15, 2007. The Mayor and City Council invite residents in the Central Core to the quarterly neighborhood meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 20 at 6:30 pm at the First Baptist Church located on the corner of Randall and Palmetto at 17244 Randall.

The quarterly area meetings introduce citizens to various City departments and inform them of City programs. The meetings provide first hand information covering traffic, construction, new policies, and more. The November meeting will include a discussion about the new city noise ordinance.

To read what was discussed at the last meeting, please visit the Fontana Police Department’s home page at www.fontanapd.org and click community meetings. To request an item be added to the agenda, please contact Amber Smith at (909) 350-7706 or email asmith@fontana.org. Agenda items should be sent by Monday, November 19, 2007.

This will be the last meeting of the quarter. The next quarterly meeting is scheduled for January. Please visit the Fontana Police Department’s home page at www.fontanapd.org or refer to the December edition of the City of Fontana Winter Brochure.

Lt. Gary Aulis, Central Area Commander
Telephone: (909) 356-7713

Source: Inland Empire (Inland Empire News)

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